Pemeriksaan Kesihatan
- Pemeriksaan Darah Penuh
- Ujian Fungsi Buah Pinggang
- Ujian Fungsi Hati
- Profil Lipid
- Pemeriksaan Kencing Manis
- Pemeriksaan Tiroid
- Imunologi dan Serologi
- Hepatitis B
- Faktor Rheumatoid
- Pemeriksaan Air Kencing
At QM Care, we want you to protect and improve your overall health and wellbeing. We offer complete medical check-ups, including mobile health screenings, full body medical checkups and the best health screening promotions and packages all over Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Health screening is important because it detects potential health disorders or diseases in people who do not have any disease symptoms. Early detection, lifestyle adjustments, and surveillance are the goals of lowering the risk of illness or finding it early enough to treat it effectively. Health screening tests are not diagnostic, but they are used to identify a subset of the population who should undergo further testing to establish whether or not they have a disease.

We understand the kepentingan pemeriksaan kesihatan and encourage everyone to get tested right away, as we want you to be healthy and hope you stay that way. So we developed several health promotion packages* in 2021 and comprehensive health screenings to fit your needs. If you can't find what you are looking for amongst the health packages listed, please contact the QM Care team, and we will endeavour to provide it.
Book your health screening appointment with us today!
*Terma dan Syarat dikenakan.
Satu bentuk ujian darah, prosedur pemeriksaan kesihatan QM Care akan mengambil masa kira-kira 60 minit atau kurang, termasuk penyediaan oleh pasukan perubatan dan diikuti dengan sampel air kencing pesakit, prosedur pengambilan darah, dan akhirnya, perundingan dengan doktor. Kami juga menawarkan pemeriksaan kesihatan mudah alih bagi mereka yang tidak dapat ke lokasi kami.
Disenaraikan di bawah adalah ujian yang disertakan dalam pakej pemeriksaan darah kami:
- Kiraan darah penuh
- Hemoglobin
- Kiraan sel darah merah
- Kiraan platelet
- Kiraan Sel Putih dan kiraan perbezaan
- MCH (Min Corpuscular Haemoglobin)
- MCV (Purata Isipadu Korpuskular)
- ESR (Kadar Pemendapan Erythrocyte)
- Filem Darah Periferi
- Visualisasikan saiz, bentuk dan kuantiti RBC, WBC dan juga Platelet
- Pengumpulan Darah dan Keserasian
- Kumpulan ABO dan status Rhesus
- natrium
- Potasium
- Kreatinin
- Urea
- Klorida
- Kalsium dan Kalsium Terlaras
- Penilaian EGFR (Anggaran Kadar Penapisan Glomerular untuk Penyakit Buah Pinggang)
- Asid urik
- Fosfatase alkali (ALP)
- Gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT)
- Jumlah Protein
- Kiraan Albumin
- Kiraan Globulin
- Nisbah Albumin-Globulin
- Jumlah Bilirubin
- Jumlah Kolesterol
- Kolesterol HDL
- Kolesterol bukan HDL
- LDL-Kolesterol
- Trigliserida
- Tahap Glukosa
- Tahap HbA1c (Haemoglobin Glycalated)
- Tahap TSH (Hormon Perangsang Tiroid)
- Faktor Rheumatoid
- Antibodi Hepatitis B
- Antigen Hepatitis B
- Pengesanan Antibodi Treponema Pallidum (Sifilis)
- Pemeriksaan Hepatitis A
- Pemeriksaan Hepatitis B
- Pemeriksaan Hepatitis C
- Pemeriksaan Penuh Air Kencing dan Pemeriksaan Mikroskopik
- Penampilan
- pH
- Graviti tertentu
- Nitrit Air Kencing
- Glukosa Air Kencing
- Keton Air Kencing
- Urobilinogen air kencing
- Bilirubin Urine
- Darah Kencing
- Mikroskopi
- Sel darah merah
- Sel darah putih
- Sel Epitelium
- Cast Kencing
- Kristal Kencing
- Bakteria
C-20-05, KL Trillion, Jln Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur
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